Yes . It was a great song. Video killed the radio. Just not factual. Video did not kill the radio. How many radio stations can I get on a phone with tune in . com ? It is unlikely video or vlog will kill the blog post. Neverthess, I am …
My icebreaker
my speech in m4a format I am going to talk about 60 years of my life in in 6 minutes centred on electronic signals I am not going to talk about my sexlife, sorry to disappoint. I am not going to talk about my politics or religion. My …
Life Coach course workshop number 2
On the weekend of the 21 and 22 September 2013, I attended a workshop in Flinders St, Melbourne as part of a Life Coach Certificate IV qualification course that I am currently undertaking. It was the second workshop in a series of …
new iphone 5c and Iphone 5s
People addicted to colour will love the new iphone 5c People who want extra grunt in their phone's system and camera will be lining up gor the iphone 5 s. However I will not be getting either. Nowhere in all the excellent markeing material …
iPad mini
In 1979, I was 27 years old, and I did not use the internet. I was more interested in sourcing a brick , a car mobile. There was a queue of 4000 customers. And now we have an iPad mini, 4g, wifi, to router on Hybrid Fibre cable. In 34 years …