I am so happy that my cyber buddy, Albert, accepted my gift this morning, of a domain name. It is true that giving can bring more joy than receiving. And I got a boost to my ego, in that one more person recognizes my expertise in choosing domains.
The name I gave to Albert is TechAlbert.com By the way Albert is an absolute genius on explaining complicated technical issues to computer users.
Domain name enthusiasists will appreciate the advantages of this name for the following reasons:
1. It is dot com and ignores the plethora of invitations to use a new gTLD
2. It is relatively short for a new registration at only 10 letters before the dot
3. It is only 2 words
4. It pleasing to the ear, balancing the letter T at the start and the end.
5. It is highly memorable especially if you can remember Albert’s name and the fact he writes about tech subjects
And that last point is the whole point of domains. Memorability. Even more so nowadays that EMD (Exact Match Domains) has become obsolete.
The request to transfer to Albert’s preferred registrar was the first message I read this morning, bringing a smile to my dial.