With 15 years experience buying and selling domain names, I feel that I can contribute to a better understanding of the Domain name game.
In 2013 the landscape has changed dramatically from previous years.
I qualify my statements by advising that my experience had been in the major TLDs and the ccTLDs of Australia and the more freely available country codes.
The most obious change to the game is the imminent introduction of .anything or dot anything
The players are already in place and the order of release has already been allocated. The list is at
Add to this monumental change, the way google and other search engines no longer give priority to web sites on exact match of search word snd domain name. The free lunch is coming to an end. Highest prioriyy is now to psid advertising and content
Psrking programs are becoming irrelevant. However the URL bar is still open and free. Meaning if someone can remember a domain name, they can still type it directly into that bar and avoid the search engine step slltogether