I am so happy that my cyber buddy, Albert, accepted my gift this morning, of a domain name. It is true that giving can bring more joy than receiving. And I got a boost to my ego, in that one more person recognizes my expertise in choosing …
my domain portfolio is at flippa at https://flippa.com/domain-catalogs/20596 …
New gTLD Domain Names
The new gTLDs are rolling out very quickly in the domain name world. g is for general usually spelt with a small g and TLD as capital letters standing for top level domains. The most famous top level domain is .com. The Country Codes are …
Monthly Melbourne morning tea for domainers
A regular monthly morning tea meeting in Melbourne Vic Australia on the first Friday of every month had been set up on www.meetup.com The first was yesterday 5th April 2013 and some great new faces turned up, eager to learn about the …
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Will Apps make domain names obsolete?
Another way the domain name game has changed forever, is the rise of apps on smart phones. Both the Apple app store and the Google app store make available to the smart phone user, a plethora of programs to do things without the need for a …
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